Travel Jiffy
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Are There Any Accommodation Options Near the Event Venue?

Like a beacon in the night, accommodation options near the event venue shine bright. From nearby hotels to cozy Airbnb rentals, and camping options under the stars, shuttle services cater to freedom-seeking attendees.

What Activities and Workshops Can I Expect at the Event?

Attendees can anticipate a diverse range of activities at the event, including art therapy workshops, ecstatic dance sessions, meditation circles, and sustainability talks. These offerings provide opportunities for exploration, relaxation, and personal growth.

Is There a Lost and Found Service at Zna Gathering?

There is a Lost and Found Service available at Zna Gathering to assist with retrieving lost items. Volunteers can provide information on accommodation options, event activities, workshop offerings, and the food and drinks policy.

Can I Bring My Own Food and Drinks to the Event?

Attendees are encouraged to bring their own food and drinks to the event, considering any specific food restrictions. Enjoy the community vibes and consider outdoor picnics while staying hydrated at the various hydration stations available throughout the venue.


To sum up, the Zna Gathering 2024 promises to be an exciting and immersive electronic music festival, with a strong emphasis on transparency, privacy, and enhancing user experience through cookies and data usage.

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