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When exchanging money, I found that airport exchange rates were not as favorable as those in town. It’s worth taking the time to find a good exchange rate. Also, let your bank know you’ll be traveling to avoid any issues with your cards.

Table of Contents

Staying Healthy and Safe

Staying healthy and safe during your trip is important. I made sure to have travel insurance and stayed informed about any health advisories. Cabo Verde is generally safe, but like any destination, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings and take basic precautions. Drinking bottled water and eating at reputable establishments can help you avoid any health issues.

It’s also a good idea to carry a basic first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and any prescription medications you might need. Being prepared can help you handle minor health issues without any stress.

Local Tips for an Enjoyable Trip

Choosing the Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Cabo Verde is during the dry season, from November to June. The weather is pleasant, making it perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the islands. I visited in March and enjoyed sunny days and cool evenings.

If you’re interested in experiencing local festivals, plan your trip around these events. The Carnival in Mindelo, held in February, is a vibrant and colorful celebration that’s not to be missed. The Baía das Gatas Music Festival in August is another great event for music lovers.

Getting Around the Islands

Getting around Cabo Verde is relatively easy. Public transportation is available, but I found renting a car gave me the flexibility to explore at my own pace. Taxis are also a convenient option for shorter trips.

If you prefer not to drive, the local bus system is affordable and reliable. Ferries are also available for traveling between islands, offering a scenic and enjoyable way to see more of Cabo Verde. Always check the schedules in advance, as ferry services can be limited.

Mastering Basic Language Tips

Portuguese is the official language of Cabo Verde, but many locals speak Creole. Learning a few basic phrases in Portuguese or Creole can go a long way in making your trip more enjoyable. The locals appreciate the effort, and it can help you connect with them better.

Some useful phrases include “Bom dia” (Good morning), “Por favor” (Please), and “Obrigado” (Thank you). Even if you’re not fluent, a few simple words can make a big difference in your interactions with locals.

Fishing boats anchored in the clear waters of Cabo Verde with a coastal village and mountains in the background, ideal for low-cost travel. Viagens low cost Cabo Verde.

10 Best Low-Cost Trips to Cabo Verde (Viagens low cost Cabo Verde)

Planning a budget-friendly getaway to Cabo Verde? You’re in luck! Cabo Verde, with its breathtaking beaches, vibrant culture, and adventurous activities, offers plenty of options for travelers looking to explore without breaking the bank. In this section, I’ll share my top 10 picks for low-cost trips to Cabo Verde. From affordable flights and budget accommodations to free and low-cost activities, these tips will help you make the most of your trip while keeping your expenses in check. Let’s dive into the best ways to enjoy this beautiful island paradise on a budget!

1. Discovering Santiago Island

Exploring Praia: Praia, the capital of Santiago Island, is a bustling city filled with vibrant markets and historical landmarks. Walking through the streets, you’ll hear the lively sounds of local music and see colorful buildings that tell stories of the island’s past. The markets are a sensory delight, offering everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. Make sure to visit the Plateau, the historical heart of the city, where colonial buildings stand tall, reminding us of the island’s rich history.

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