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One of my favorite activities was simply walking along the beach at sunset. The colors of the sky and the sound of the waves were incredibly soothing. Many beaches also offer free or low-cost activities like volleyball, soccer, and yoga. If you’re into water sports, look for rental shops that offer reasonable rates for equipment like snorkels, kayaks, and paddleboards.

Beautiful beach in Cabo Verde with clear blue waters, palm trees, and thatched umbrellas, perfect for low-cost travel and relaxing vacations. Viagens low cost Cabo Verde.

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Experiencing the Activities in Cabo Verde

Relaxing on the Beach

The beaches in Cabo Verde are nothing short of spectacular. I spent hours lounging on the sandy shores, swimming in the crystal-clear waters, and trying out various water sports. Santa Maria Beach on Sal Island quickly became my favorite spot. The beach is perfect for sunbathing, and the water is ideal for snorkeling and kite surfing. Praia de Chaves on Boa Vista is another must-visit beach, known for its golden sands and tranquil waters.

If you’re looking for a quieter beach experience, head to the smaller, less crowded beaches. I found some hidden gems by asking locals for recommendations. These smaller beaches often offer a more peaceful and private experience, perfect for a relaxing day in the sun.

Hiking and Exploring Nature Trails

For those who love adventure, Cabo Verde offers some amazing hiking opportunities. I embarked on a trek to Pico do Fogo, which was both challenging and rewarding. The views from the top are breathtaking, and the experience of hiking an active volcano is unforgettable. There are also many other trails that offer scenic views and a chance to connect with nature.

Another great hike is the trail to Monte Verde, the highest peak on São Vicente Island. The hike is less strenuous than Pico do Fogo and offers stunning views of the island and the ocean. If you prefer a more leisurely walk, the coastal trails on Sal and Boa Vista are perfect for enjoying the island’s natural beauty.

Immersing in Cultural Experiences

One of the best parts of my trip was immersing myself in the local culture. Cabo Verde has a vibrant music scene, and I was lucky enough to attend a local festival where I experienced traditional music and dance. Visiting local markets was also a great way to learn about the culture and buy unique souvenirs. The people of Cabo Verde are incredibly welcoming, and I felt a strong sense of community everywhere I went.

If you get the chance, try to catch a live music performance. Cabo Verde is famous for its morna music, a soulful genre that reflects the island’s history and culture. Local restaurants and bars often have live performances, and it’s a great way to experience the local culture while enjoying a meal or a drink.

Practical Details for Your Trip

Ensuring You Have Travel Documents

Before you head to Cabo Verde, make sure you have all the necessary travel documents. A valid passport is a must, and depending on your nationality, you might need a visa. It’s a good idea to check the visa requirements well in advance of your trip. Some nationalities can get a visa on arrival, but it’s always best to check beforehand to avoid any surprises.

It’s also a good idea to have copies of important documents like your passport, visa, and travel insurance. I kept digital copies on my phone and physical copies in my luggage, just in case. Having these documents easily accessible can save you a lot of trouble if you lose your originals.

Handling Currency and Payments

The official currency in Cabo Verde is the Cape Verdean Escudo (CVE). I found that credit cards are widely accepted in most places, but it’s always a good idea to carry some cash for smaller establishments and markets. ATMs are available, so withdrawing money is not an issue.

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