Travel Jiffy
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Are There ATM Facilities On-Site for Cash Withdrawals?

Yes, ATM facilities for cash withdrawals are available on-site for your convenience. Visitors can access these facilities to obtain cash during the event, providing a hassle-free experience for all attendees seeking financial services.

Can Visitors Bring Their Own Chairs or Blankets?

For the utmost in comfort and group picnic arrangements, visitors are encouraged to bring their own chairs or blankets to the event. This provides flexibility and guarantees a pleasant seating experience tailored to individual preferences.

What Is the Policy on Photography and Filming During the Event?

Visitors are encouraged to capture memories through photography at the event. General guidelines include respecting others' privacy, refraining from commercial use, and abiding by any specific restrictions posted. For filming, obtaining permissions for commercial or large-scale projects is advised.


To sum up, the Medieval Extravaganza in Sintra is a magical journey back in time, filled with thrilling entertainment, delicious food, and unforgettable experiences.

It's a chance to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of Medieval Europe, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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