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Community Engagement Benefits

Engaging in research initiatives not only benefits industry advancement but also plays an essential role in fostering community growth and development at ESHTE. Through our research projects focusing on sustainable practices, culinary innovation, and hospitality excellence, we aim to address industry challenges while enhancing our educational programs.

At ESHTE, community engagement is more than just a concept – it's a way of life. We actively involve students and faculty in practical projects that contribute to local development, collaborating with businesses and organizations to promote sustainable practices in the hospitality sector.

This collaboration not only enriches our knowledge-sharing culture but also creates opportunities for mutual growth and success.

Student Life and Diversity

At Estoril Higher School of Hospitality and Tourism, student life thrives on diversity and fosters cultural exchange among a vibrant international community. Being part of a campus where students come from all around the world brings a unique richness to our daily interactions. Whether it's sharing traditions, trying new foods, or learning about different customs, there's always something exciting happening.

Our campus community is like a big family, where connections are easily made, and friendships are quickly formed. We support each other through our academic journey and beyond, creating a warm and welcoming environment for everyone.

When it's time to take a break from studies, the surrounding urban areas offer plenty of entertainment options to explore. And let's not forget about the library resources! They're a treasure trove of knowledge, helping us excel in our studies and research.

After graduation, the post-graduation opportunities are endless. Whether staying in Portugal, extending visas, or seeking employment in the hospitality and tourism industry, the future looks bright for us students at ESHTE.

Tuition Fees and Expenses

Let's chat about the exciting world of tuition fees and expenses at Estoril Higher School of Hospitality and Tourism.

We'll break down the costs, take a peek at additional expenses, and even explore some financial aid options.

Tuition Fee Breakdown

Starting at 2,684 USD per year for local students, the tuition fees at ESHTE don't include accommodation or living expenses and are subject to change. International students might've different tuition fees than us locals.

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