Travel Jiffy
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Me at the Estoril Higher School of Hospitality and Tourism is like immersing myself in a bustling international community full of exciting opportunities. I get to explore hands-on experiences, enjoy a campus like a big family, and even discover endless job options after I graduate. The School focuses on real-world training, collaborations with industry pros, and diverse research projects. If you want to uncover more about this amazing place, there are lots of cool details waiting for you!

Key Takeaways

  • Offers undergraduate and masters programs in hospitality and tourism.
  • Collaborates with industry partners for practical solutions.
  • Provides exceptional training facilities for real-world scenarios.
  • Focuses on practical learning experiences and internships.
  • Located in Lisbon, Cascais, and Estoril, with a vibrant international community.

History and Location

Located in Lisbon, Cascais, and Estoril, ESHTE was established in 1991 under the Ministry of Education and Science. As I walk through the vibrant streets of Estoril, I can't help but feel the energy and enthusiasm that surrounds the campus of this prestigious institution. ESHTE's focus on practical learning experiences truly sets it apart in the world of hospitality and tourism education.

One of the things that excites me the most about ESHTE is its compulsory internships. These internships not only provide valuable hands-on experience but also open doors to the bustling business sector. The school's emphasis on management autonomy prepares us students for the competitive tourism sector, giving us the confidence to navigate the industry with ease.

Moreover, the training facilities here are exceptional, offering us a glimpse into the real-world scenarios we'll encounter in our future careers. ESHTE truly paves the way for us to thrive in the dynamic world of hospitality and tourism.

Research and Community

I'm excited to share how research at ESHTE isn't just about books and papers—it's about making a real impact!

By studying trends in tourism and hospitality, we're helping shape a better future for travelers and businesses alike.

And when we team up with our community, magic happens—we're all working together to create a more sustainable and enjoyable industry for everyone!

Research Initiatives Impact

Through its diverse research endeavors, ESHTE actively engages in producing impactful outcomes that benefit both the industry and the community. Our research initiatives focus on enhancing knowledge in tourism, hospitality, and catering, leading to the development of innovative practices and solutions.

By collaborating with industry partners, we guarantee that our research outcomes aren't just theoretical but practical, making a tangible difference in the tourism sector.

The impact of our research extends beyond borders, benefiting both the local community and the global community at large. Whether it's improving local businesses' practices or contributing to the advancement of the tourism industry worldwide, our work has a ripple effect that creates positive change.

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